The Zero-Waste DIY Fest on Nov. 16 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Nook will give students a chance to learn about how to live a sustainable college lifestyle. Which is not easy, since college life is geared towards styrofoam, ramen noodles and piles of plastic Walmart bags piling under the sink. With the help of the Council of Green Affairs (CGA), students will learn how to make DIY sustainable items, like soap, toothpaste, art, bags and more.
The CGA has been hard at work this semester. Since their first meeting on Sept. 9th, the council has already successfully collaborated on composting and pollination work and the Climate Teach-In. Some students attended the Students for Zero Waste Conference at the University of Pennsylvania from Oct. 11-13th, run by the Post Landfill Action Network (PLAN).
“We attended hands-on workshops and training sessions on topics of waste and environmental justice,” Zero Waste Campus Coordinator and thesis-student Sydney Clingo said in an email interview. “We also had the opportunity to hold our very own workshop on NCF’s Composting Program, which taught students how to implement their own program at their campuses.”
The Green Team consists of four Eco-Representatives and the Zero Waste Campus Coordinator who works with PLAN throughout the year to reduce New College’s campus waste. PLAN provides step-by-step advising in order for students to implement Zero Waste initiatives. They connect students with sustainable professionals, businesses and nonprofits that support them.
“Challenge the consumption economy,” Clingo said. “You have more power than you think.”