New College’s future president has been narrowed down to five candidates. What’s the next step?
During previous waves of CARES Act funding, students have been able to request up to $2,000 dollars. This most recent wave, however, not only resulted in students get less than what was requested, but was also the final wave of CARES Act funding at New College.

New College’s future president has been narrowed down to five candidates. What’s the next step?

“I want to talk about the fear that the New College mission is fragile,” Board of Trustee (BOT) Chair and Head of the Presidential Search Committee Mary Ruiz said. The date is March 11, and after three grueling days of Zoom interviews with 12 presidential…

Board of Trustees preparing for potential budget cuts
New College students, including current NCSA President Sofia Lombardi, approach the Florida State Capitol on Feb. 25, 2020.

Board of Trustees preparing for potential budget cuts

Although the proposed merger last spring ultimately failed, it spurred NCF’s Board of Trustees to take a more proactive approach to the legislative agenda of the state. With constitutionally-required budget cuts forthcoming this session, the college’s continued independence may require it.  To the surprise of…

New College improves in performance based funding metrics, despite previous struggles
The hope of the EPC is that these recent changes will reduce anxiety for new, incoming students and by having them cement their class schedules earlier in the semester.

New College improves in performance based funding metrics, despite previous struggles

"We should feel good, but we shouldn't feel like everything is on cruise control." Thiessen said. "We have a lot of improvements still to do.” Every year, the State University System (SUS) allocates upwards of $13 billion in state funding, in part through a performance-based…

The systemic issues behind Nigeria’s police force
Nigerian police officers, part of AMISOM's Foreign Police Unit, conduct a foot patrol near Lido Beach. As part of AMISOM's efforts to make Mogadishu a safer place, regular foot patrols are now coducted around the city by the mission's Foreign Police Unit. AU-UN IST PHOTO / TOBIN JONES.f

The systemic issues behind Nigeria’s police force

Nigerian police officers conduct a foot patrol. Photo courtesy of WikiMedia Commons. Since early October, the citizens of Nigeria have been protesting for an end to the brutality of the Special Anti Robbery Squad (SARS), a police unit whose abuses of power include extrajudicial violence…