Top secret documents on the Ukraine war leaked on Discord
The Pentagon headquarters in Washington, DC. Public use image.

Top secret documents on the Ukraine war leaked on Discord

By Veronica Jolley & Caspian Rizzo The Biden Administration announced on Apr. 6 they were investigating a potential leak of highly classified U.S. Defense Department documents detailing information on the ongoing war in Ukraine on social media channels. The documents include timelines of the war…

New College Presidential Search Committee members have been announced, here’s what you need to know
A screenshot taken from the New College presidential search committee home page displaying the date of the first meeting.

New College Presidential Search Committee members have been announced, here’s what you need to know

Search committees play a key role in selecting the right candidate to lead a college or university. Florida State Regulation 1.002 specifies the broad composition of these committees, and at New College, they are traditionally a mix of trustees, faculty members, staff, students, alumni and…

Donald Trump first U.S. president to be indicted with 34 felony counts
Photo of Donald Trump sitting in the White House. Taken by Ana Moneymaker (getty images).

Donald Trump first U.S. president to be indicted with 34 felony counts

On Mar. 30, former President Donald Trump was indicted by a Manhattan grand jury, an official accusation that has previously never been lobbed at a current or former president in the United States. On Apr. 5, Trump was charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying…

Narcan now available over the counter
Narcan is expected to hit the shelves sometime in the late summer. Photo courtesy of Flickr.

Narcan now available over the counter

Communities now have easier access to a critical tool for keeping each other safe from opioid overdose. On Mar. 29, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Narcan nasal spray for over-the-counter use. Advisory committee members unanimously recommended approval for marketing Narcan without a prescription.…

Baker beware: CDC investigating flour-related Salmonella outbreak
No specific brand of flour has been linked to the Salmonella outbreak, and the investigation is still underway as of Mar. 30. Photo courtesy of

Baker beware: CDC investigating flour-related Salmonella outbreak

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has launched an investigation into contaminated flour across the United States. Between December and February, 12 people across 11 states were diagnosed with Salmonella bacteria after consuming raw batter containing flour. While the CDC has not limited the contaminated…

Sargassum spot slams Caribbean beaches: what does this mean for Florida?
A thick patch of sargassum ashore a Miami beach. (Credit: “Jack Doe,” provided by the Sargassum Information Hub)

Sargassum spot slams Caribbean beaches: what does this mean for Florida?

Crawling across the Caribbean coastline and dumping the stench of decay wherever it washes ashore is a phenomenon that authors from Science Journal have dubbed the “Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt.” What’s more, one of its largest-recorded masses of sargassum seaweed is barreling towards Florida beaches…

Congressional opposition to TikTok finds testing ground on Florida university campuses
A stock image of TikTok on an iPhone. (Taken from Pexels.)

Congressional opposition to TikTok finds testing ground on Florida university campuses

On Apr. 4, the New College of Florida joined other state universities in banning TikTok, WeChat and other “dangerous” apps from devices and networks owned by the campus. Students are no longer capable of accessing TikTok on their own private devices through campus WiFi. The…

CDC warns of Candida auris, deadly fungus spreading in Florida
A microscopic image of Candida auris. Photo taken by Dr. Farzana Hossain (Flickr).

CDC warns of Candida auris, deadly fungus spreading in Florida

The COVID-19 virus has dominated the national media for years, but in its wake, another deadly disease has gained traction in the United States that has not received nearly as much coverage. Candida auris—a fungal infection that, according to the Center for Disease Control and…

Downright delirious diabetic debacle: Fake tweet leads to $35 insulin cap
A reminder to always read the fine print. Photo credit: Eli Lilly’s official website

Downright delirious diabetic debacle: Fake tweet leads to $35 insulin cap

On Mar. 1, Eli Lilly, also known as Lilly, a pharmaceutical company that prides itself on “integrity, excellence and respect for people,” announced that they will be capping their insulin products at $35 for a one month’s supply of the life-saving medication. The change seeks…

DeSantis book tour takes him national
DeSantis and Trump sharing a table in Belleair, Florida in 2020. Photo courtesy of Getty Images

DeSantis book tour takes him national

On Mar. 1, the Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC) held its annual congregation of conservative thinkers, speakers and officials. The esteemed list of speakers included former President Donald J. Trump, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, one-time Trump staffer Steve Bannon and other such figures. Media coverage…