Coffeeshops to hit during midterms week

Next week is fall break, which means that midterms - and an abundance of studying - are well underway. There’s no better way to power through that last paper than carpooling to a coffee shop near New College for a change of scenery and a…

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October Netflix releases to entertain during fall break

Fall break - a time to separate from the hustle and bustle of classes, sip some tea and relax over some good ol’ Netflix one-on-one time. Luckily, the streaming platform has a solid schedule for its October releases, set to entertain during the slowest days…

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New College student organizes Critical Mass

Critical Mass, organized by New College second-year Kaithleen Coñoepan, hit the streets of Sarasota this Friday. More than 20 cyclists attended. The majority of them were New College students but also included several members from the Sarasota community. Coñoepan had participated in Critical Mass events…


Six ideal ways to spend your refund checks

At long last, refunds have arrived. For those of us receiving that surplus of funds from loans, scholarships, etc., now is the time to finally pay bills and buy groceries and fill gas tanks. There's some things we’re technically not supposed to use our refunds…


CGA dishes dirt on composting

Students who have been living on the New College campus may be aware of the composting and recycling programs, two very vital parts of local environmental activism students can directly contribute to. The Catalyst caught up to members of the Council of Green Affairs (CGA)…


Saturday protest in solidarity with Standing Rock

A direct action event took place in Tampa on Saturday, Sept. 17 to show support for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in their ongoing fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline Project. The proposed Dakota Access pipeline will transverse 1,172 miles from North Dakota’s Bakken and…