The New College Police Department (NCPD) has shared their Annual Security Report (ASR) detailing the rates of various crimes on campus.
The report offers a comparative look at crime rates between 2014, 2015 and 2016, as well as fire drills conducted in the last three years and reported fires and cases of arson.
In 2016, the NCPD reported one case of stalking, arson and motor vehicle theft. All other major offense categories, such as murder and sexual offenses, had zero reported offenses. The two years prior had a similar number of offenses, but in different categories. In the last three years, there have been zero reports of hate crimes, weapon offenses, murder/manslaughter and other specific crimes. There have, however, been four total reported incidences of rape and four total reported incidences of burglary.
Two areas of the report that saw significant variations are the drug and liquor violations. While from 2015 to 2016 drug law violation referrals decreased from ten to two, liquor law violations referrals increased from three to thirteen. Three people were arrested for drug violations in 2015, and one person was arrested for drug violations in 2016. No people on campus have been arrested for liquor violations in the last three years.
In addition to on-campus crime data, the report offers a wide range of information regarding the definitions of different types of crimes, resources that are available to students and campus policy regarding matters such as Title IX. The report also offers measures that can be taken to promote personal safety and prevent theft of items, bikes, vehicles and identity.
A significant portion of the report is dedicated to sexual assault and resources pertaining to it. The measures offered to students regarding the prevention of sexual assault pertain primarily to promoting consent and preventing oneself from the perpetrator of sexual assault, rather than preventing oneself from being the victim.
The full data from the report is available on the NCPD portal on the New College website and was emailed to all students, faculty and staff.