Send a raven:‘Game ofThrones’ season four premieres

How big are Daenerys’ dragons now? Who is Prince Oberyn? What will come from Arya’s growing brutality? These are some of the questions millions of viewers, including many NCF students, hoped to see answered when the HBO show “Game of Thrones” returned for its fourth…


Sexual Assault Awareness Month at New College

This article may contain triggering material related to sexual assault and domestic violence. The month of April marks the recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), and this year, the Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC) is hosting a number of events in order to raise…


“Skin in the game:” New College braces for merit based cuts

As the cost of higher education rises across the country, lawmakers are turning to scorecards to measure the value of degrees to students and the state. This spring, Florida legislators will decide if the Sunshine State will adopt a scorecard to measure the performance of public universities and colleges. New College, which is…


Netflix revives cult-favorite ‘Trailer Park Boys’

Round up the kittens and throw some cheeseburgers on the grill, “Trailer Park Boys” is back. Netflix has  revived the cult favorite, which ended  its initial run in 2008. The company is  producing three new specials, two new  movies and two full seasons of antics…


NFL working toward inclusiveness

Rough, tumble and even bloody, professional football is rarely seen  as a bastion of progressive politics.  However, a proposed rule to penalize  racist and homophobic slurs in the  National Football League (NFL) and  the upcoming debut of the first female permanent referee to officiate professional…


Fitness center faces staggering debt

From yoga enthusiasts to weightlifters, the New College Fitness Center offers students a wide array of services to meet every interest and fit into even the busiest schedule. However, recent financial difficulties and an operating debt totaling $34,000 may soon force the Fitness Center to…