Pique-nique sur la baie turns heads, raises money

all photos Cory Rae Rodda/Catalyst With a glass of Dom Pérignon in one hand and Norwegian artesian water in the other, the Catalyst milled about in a sea of pastels, Derby Day-style hats and open checkbooks as Cook Hall's bayfront played host to the 29th…


Hours change to nightshift for Bayfront Campus custodial workers

Image courtesy of New College of Florida Red text denotes day-shift Custodial and Housing workers, while names in blue show the night shift workers. Seven workers cover the whole of the Bayfront Campus, and are supervised nightly by Bil Harmon. Every day, students attend classes…


New College raises almost $110,000 during "The Giving Challenge"

Thirty-six hours, 10,705 donations, 109 charities and the generosity of four foundations was all that it took to raise almost $2.5 million from Mar. 27-28. The Community Foundation of Sarasota County, the Gulf Coast Community Foundation, the Manatee Community Foundation and The Patterson Foundation sponsored…


NCF chooses President Michalson as graduation speaker

While New College President Gordon “Mike” Michalson officially steps down from his administrative position at the end of this academic year, he will get a chance to conclude his 10 year run of presidency with a commencement speech for the graduating class of 2012. As…


New College offers flight tutorial

With the start of a new mod, New College Fitness Center Head and certified flight instructor Colin Jordon is offering a private pilot tutorial for the second semester in a row. By the end of the class, students will be armed with an arsenal of…


Student Affairs announces biggest group of Orientation Leaders yet

Eager to acclimate next year’s fresh meat with the spirit and bare footedness of New College, over eighty students — one of the largest numbers yet — applied online to be Orientation Leaders (OL’s) for the coming 2012 semester. Among the vast pool of applicants,…


Ringling Underground celebrates electro-pop

On Thursday Apr. 5, the Ringling Museum of Art hosted its third installment of the art-infused concert event, Ringling Underground, this time with an ElectroPop theme. The monthly art-infused concert event aimed at Sarasota’s youth was free for all New College and USF students with…