Not so “NEW” College

Activism has a long history at New College. From a long and complicated legal battle with the airport to the present day work on campus with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, students at this school have always had a vested interest in fighting for social…


Quidditch World Cup takes flight this weekend

  Fans of the Harry Potter series and sport fanatics alike are preparing for the United States Quidditch (USQ) World Cup, to be held this weekend in Rock Hill, South Carolina. With a lineup of 80 teams as well as the three finalist cities –…


Harry Potter and the new wizarding world

  J.K. Rowling’s legendary Harry Potter series has sparked worldwide fascination and an ever-growing fan base. The books have inspired amusement parks and various organizations such as United States Quidditch (USQ). Last summer, Universal Studios Japan opened the second Wizarding World of Harry Potter in…


We want your poetry submissions!

In honor of National Poetry Month, the Catalyst will publish poetry submissions by students. Send your submissions to by 12:00 p.m. each Friday in April to be published in the following week's issue, and on our website. Thanks!


PHOTOS: Issue 6, Spring 2015

All photos for Issue 6, including some not found in the physical version, can be found on our Flickr: