Damages, deaths follow Hurricane Irene

Image courtesy of the National Hurricane Center: www.nhc.noaa.gov Projected path of Hurricane Irene as of Aug. 23, from the National Hurricane Center. Days after Hurricane Irene swept through the Eastern Seaboard, death tolls and the cost of damages continue to add up. As of press time,…


Remodeled Four Winds goes in new, bigger direction

With its laid back atmosphere, all-vegetarian food and freshly roasted coffee, the student-run Four Winds Café is a popular destination for students, professors and campus visitors. However, due to complaints of a too-small kitchen, long lines and perpetually missing ingredients, the café is attempting to…


Black Box Theater receives grant for new equipment

New College’s Black Box Theater, which is the only undergraduate theater of its kind in the area, received a sizable present to celebrate its first birthday: a $23,480 grant from the William G. and Marie Selby Foundation to purchase new equipment such as lighting, seating…


Dr. Brendan Goff: a boy out of the 'Burgh joins NCF faculty

Professor Bob Johnson’s office is empty, with the exception of a stack of books on topics ranging from vector calculus to the making of Ireland left by him for the office’s newest occupant, visiting Professor of History Brendan Goff. Before coming to New College of…


CIW pedals 200 miles for justice in Immokalee

While the lingering summer humidity swelled, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) pedaled onward. On Aug. 26th, the Coalition, along with Interfaith Action Network organizers, set forth on a 200 mile Critical Mass bike trek from Immokalee to Lakeland in order to demand that Publix…


New CLCs bring alternative autonomy to Resident Life Office

photo courtesy of Larry Locke From left to right: Campus Life Coordinators Katy Collins ('06) and Larry Locke Along with 273 pairs of fresh feet and a towering Academic Center with the four winds blowing in its courtyard, this fall term welcomed new faces, structures,…


A fabulous time at the movies: Sarasota hosts queer film fest

On the weekend of Saturday, Aug. 3, Broken Rules Productions, in association with Sarasota Pride, threw the first soon-to-be annual Fabulous Independent Film Festival in Gompertz Theatre in downtown Sarasota. From 2p.m to 10p.m the fest screened four LGBT themed feature length films and three…


With Pottermore, Rowling reveals plans for more magical mania

Images courtesy of pottermore.com. On July 21, 2007 critics said it was the “beginning of the end:” all seven Harry Potter books had been released and there were only three movies left to enjoy. This past summer, as the world approached the epic conclusion to…


First world problems: the toilet paper shortage of 2011

It is an unfortunate instance when one finds themselves stranded in the bathroom with no toilet paper. In such a situation, they are given two options: they may either venture out into the open with their pants around their ankles in hopes of finding a…