Thesis students demystify the bacc exam process
McKenna Mooney during her baccalaureate exam. Photo courtesy of McKenna Mooney.

Thesis students demystify the bacc exam process

A baccalaureate examination, referred to at New College as a "bacc," is an oral defense of the senior thesis or project required for graduation requirements in a student’s Area of Concentration (AOC). Thesis topics are typically chosen in the fall, and students spend the year…

Need karma? Participate in a thesis study
Poster of Sidny Hall’s call for thesis participation. Photo by Alexandra Levy.

Need karma? Participate in a thesis study

With the downfall of the forum and Student List, thesis students are having trouble getting the word out to potential participants in their research projects. The Catalyst reached out  to provide an additional  platform for these students to announce their projects and to highlight the…

‘Booze Cruise’ spots filled
photo courtesy of Pixabay

‘Booze Cruise’ spots filled

As the academic year comes to a close, the Graduation Sunset Cruise, the beloved tradition of thesis students sailing off into the night on a charter boat, draws nearer. As plans for this celebration, dubbed ‘Booze Cruise,’ began in March, concerns were raised as to…