Student-run [NEW] Commencement ceremony aims to let students graduate of their own terms
A poster advertising [NEW] Commencement: On Our Terms. Screenshot by Sophia Brown

Student-run [NEW] Commencement ceremony aims to let students graduate of their own terms

As the spring semester comes to a close, a substantial portion of the current New College administration is made up of new hires, who have only been part of the community for a handful of months. With this many new faces around Cook Hall comes…

“Like jumping off a cliff”: Matthew Lepinski on Apr. 26 and beyond
A headshot of Matthew Lepinski, taken from the New College website.

“Like jumping off a cliff”: Matthew Lepinski on Apr. 26 and beyond

Associate Professor of Computer Science Matthew Lepinski first came to New College in 2015, as Computer Science was in the process of transitioning into a full-fledged Area of Concentration (AOC). After working to build this AOC alongside the Applied Data Science Graduate Program and bringing…

Board of Trustees shuts down faculty seeking tenure, community members: A deep dive into their most divisive meeting yet
Former Trustee and then-Chair of the Faculty Matthew Lepinski leaving the meeting after announcing his lack of confidence in the board, following their vote to deny tenure for five faculty members. Screenshot from the official New College YouTube channel

Board of Trustees shuts down faculty seeking tenure, community members: A deep dive into their most divisive meeting yet

First they came for former President Patricia Okker, then they came for the Office of Outreach and Inclusive Excellence (OOIE). And on Apr. 26, the New College Board of Trustees (BOT) continued its trend of disruption by denying five faculty tenure applications, despite all five…

New College, new mascot? Administration proposes sudden mascot change
The Null Set has been the official New College mascot since 1997, per the New College Student Alliance (NCSA) Constitution--first included as a placeholder, but later embraced by the community. Photo taken by Sophia Brown

New College, new mascot? Administration proposes sudden mascot change

New College has been having something of an identity crisis lately. With Richard Corcoran’s recent promises to admitted students to restructure campus culture to include traditional intercollegiate sports teams and Greek life, it seems that the new administration has changes in mind for New College…

California Gov. Newsom meets with Newtown Alive and New College students
Gov. Newsom shaking hands with Brenda Watty, members of the Motown group, the Marvelettes. Watty led the group in song at the top of the meeting, something that Newtown Alive does throughout their trolley tours. Photo by Gaby Batista

California Gov. Newsom meets with Newtown Alive and New College students

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom visited Sarasota on Apr. 5 as part of Newsom’srecently-launched Campaign for Democracy tour. According to the Washington Post, this tour aims to fight “rising authoritarianism” in various red states by “[meeting] with like-minded activists,…

New College Foundation abstains from voting on Corcoran’s salary, claims to have unallocated funds available
Nine of the Foundation Board of Directors members meeting in-person with Interim President Richard Corcoran in the Keating Center. Screenshot taken by Sophia Brown

New College Foundation abstains from voting on Corcoran’s salary, claims to have unallocated funds available

The New College Foundation—the direct-support organization that raises public and private funds for New College—has come under increased scrutiny this past month, starting on Feb. 13 when Board of Trustees (BOT) Chair Debra Jenks announced that the Foundation would be covering Interim President Richard Corcoran’s…

Board of Trustees abolish Office of Outreach and Inclusive Excellence, welcomes new Interim President Corcoran to campus
The New College Board of Trustees (BOT), both virtual and in-person during the Feb. 28 meeting. Screenshot taken from the New College of Florida YouTube channel.

Board of Trustees abolish Office of Outreach and Inclusive Excellence, welcomes new Interim President Corcoran to campus

Feb. 28 was a highly anticipated date for New College, as it marked Interim President Richard Corcoran’s second official day on the job and his first ever public address to the New College community during that day’s Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting. Also highly anticipated…

Manhattan Institute turns its attention to New College: things to know about this conservative think tank
A screenshot of the Manhattan Institute logo superimposed over the city skyline at sunset. (Photo taken from

Manhattan Institute turns its attention to New College: things to know about this conservative think tank

Following their appointments, something the New College community quickly recognized about the seven new Board of Trustee (BOT) members was that not all of them had prior experience working in educational institutions, and many were coming from out of state. Even without the work credentials…

Board of Trustees approves Corcoran’s Interim President contract: NCF faces uncertain future
The Board of Trustees (BOT) and a handful of other New College administrators present for the Special BOT Meeting on Feb. 13 via Zoom. Photo taken by Sophia Brown

Board of Trustees approves Corcoran’s Interim President contract: NCF faces uncertain future

After a deeply disruptive Jan. 31 meeting, the New College Board of Trustees (BOT) was not expected to meet again until the end of February. However, on Feb. 6, it was posted on the New College website that a Special BOT Meeting would be held…