Introspective rapper Kendrick Lamar is back

The introspective rap star Kendrick Lamar is back with what could be understood as his third high exposure album, “To Pimp A Butterfly.” Based on the first single released, “Blacker the Berry,” it could have been assumed that the album would be filled with aggressive…


Spotify popular among NCF students

  Companies big and small have been scrambling to get a leg up in a business where dealing with record labels, artists and piracy creates legitimate problems. Music streaming did not start or end with the Swedish company Spotify, but in recent years the company…


Gasparilla Music Festival

  It is in the heart of Tampa, Florida that couples were seen freely dancing, a woman frolicked from stage to stage with an unforgettable blue Mohawk, flower crowns dressed the heads of many and music flowed through the ears of anyone walking by. It…