Cross-functional campus committee formed to respond to Coronavirus

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Update from President O’Shea:

“We do not have any reported COVID-19 cases on campus.

As testing becomes more readily available, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Florida and the U.S. will rise.  We have formed a cross-functional campus committee to prepare and respond to this threat.  Here are some things we are doing.

The Office of the Provost and Educational Technology Services are working with faculty to minimize possible disruptions to courses by planning alternative modes of instruction. Educational Technology Services Director Angie Fairweather is offering Canvas tutorials this week to professors. Students who have any changes in their status that interferes with their ability to attend class should contact their faculty members.

Campus Housing will be setting up several rooms to accommodate students whom the Counseling & Wellness Center may ask to move from their regular room into a quarantine location. Metz will arrange to send meals to any students who need to be moved into these designated rooms.

Employees who are directed by medical professionals to remain in their homes will continue to be paid their normal salary while using their earned leave (e.g., sick and annual leave). Given the extraordinary circumstances regarding this virus, faculty and staff who exhaust their leave balance(s) may be advanced additional sick leave on a case-by-case basis.  Human Resources will send refresher instructions to USPS and A&P employees on how to log in to the NewCLEIS system and register leave time. Faculty should report their sick leave use to their division chair and fiscal liaison who, in turn, will report it on the Payroll Submittal Form. If employees are able to perform their normal assigned work remotely and receive authorization from their supervisor, they can remain in work status.

We will continue to maintain and enhance regular cleaning and disinfecting protocols.

Please remain vigilant in protecting yourself and others against the coronavirus (COVI-19) by following Centers for Disease Control prevention guidelines. Wash your hands often with soap and water. Continue to follow coronavirus updates on our Campuswide Alerts web page. If you have additional questions, email them to

Please take care of yourself and others. The health of each of us matters to all of us.”

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