Red or Blue? New research reveals that color of light impacts plant growth
A picture depicting a tomato plant. Photo courtesy of Shuttershock.

Red or Blue? New research reveals that color of light impacts plant growth

Researchers have recently discovered a way to make agrivoltaics—the use of solar panels to grow and cultivate crops—more efficient. They have found that the different levels of wavelengths have an impact on the crops and how quickly they grow. Studies have shown that agrivoltaics can…

Farm to table? More like garden to dorm: Caples Garden Farmers Market offers fresh produce to students, for free
A student in the gardening tutorial built this structure for beans out of bamboo last semester.

Farm to table? More like garden to dorm: Caples Garden Farmers Market offers fresh produce to students, for free

There are a bounty of farmers markets around Sarasota to choose from, but no other market is as local, or no-cost, as the new initiative in the Caples Garden. Every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.—weather permitting—all members of the New College community are…

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Florida Senate legalizes gardening in private front yards
photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Florida Senate legalizes gardening in private front yards

Growing fruits and vegetables in the front yard for one’s personal consumption and enjoyment is no longer prohibited in the state of Florida. New legislation, inspired by a 2017 legal dispute, recently passed in the Florida Senate in a 35-5 vote. Sen. Robert Bradley's Senate…


Gardening tutorial experiences ECHO’s farm

This past Saturday, Gardening Tutorial took a field trip to the headquarters’ of ECHO Inc. in North Fort Myers. ECHO is an organization that aids in world hunger and supports small-scale farming around the world by providing agricultural and “appropriate” technology training to development workers…