Farm to table? More like garden to dorm: Caples Garden Farmers Market offers fresh produce to students, for free
A student in the gardening tutorial built this structure for beans out of bamboo last semester.

Farm to table? More like garden to dorm: Caples Garden Farmers Market offers fresh produce to students, for free

There are a bounty of farmers markets around Sarasota to choose from, but no other market is as local, or no-cost, as the new initiative in the Caples Garden. Every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.—weather permitting—all members of the New College community are…

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Gardening tutorial experiences ECHO’s farm

This past Saturday, Gardening Tutorial took a field trip to the headquarters’ of ECHO Inc. in North Fort Myers. ECHO is an organization that aids in world hunger and supports small-scale farming around the world by providing agricultural and “appropriate” technology training to development workers…