New College Student Alliance elections results

The results of the early fall 2011 New College Student Alliance (NCSA) election were announced the night of Sept. 1. Thesis student and Supervisor of Elections Naushin Jiwani sent an e-mail to students with the results (refer to side-bar.)

“Pretty much 95 percent of the people that voted are represented in that e-mail I sent out,” Jiwani said. “Not all the write-ins are in that e-mail because a lot of them only got one vote, so I didn’t count those.” Notable write-ins for this election include a few alums, Batman and Turk from the television series “Scrubs.”

According to Jiwani, more positions were available than usual for early fall elections because some NCSA members resigned their positions or have left New College. “There was definitely a lot more first-year interest than there has been in the past,” Jiwani said. Jiwani served as Supervisor of Elections last fall as well. “Last year’s early fall election, there were only two people that ran for first-year SAC …  compared to at least seven or eight that ran this year. You have to turn in the petitions to my mailbox and usually I don’t get them until that midnight when they’re due, but a lot of students were emailing me earlier wanting to know more about running.”

Jiwani said it is difficult to know exactly how many students voted because not all students vote for every position on the ballad. To get an idea of the number of voters, she adds up the total number of votes per position. “That’s the easiest way to do it,” Jiwani said. “A lot of upperclassmen don’t know the first-years and so they choose not to vote for those positions.”


Early fall 2011 NCSA election results:

(The number of votes each newly elected NCSA member won appears next to the candidate’s name. The names of winning candidates are in bold font.)

First Year Student Allocations Committee  (SAC) Representatives (2):

Conor Zhang (90)

Cindy Orsoto (53)

Nicole Ouellette (45)

Marliz Calleja (25)

Casey Dodge (23)
Tania Russell (19)
Adrian Rosario (16)
Batman (3)
Tom McKay (3)
Ben Reinhold (3)

Total votes: 280


Third Year SAC Representative (1):

Roger Filmyer (60)
Janardana Hayton (53)
Alex Smith (38)
Tom McKay (2)
Turn from Scrubs (1)
Batman (1)
Total votes: 155


Student Academic Status Committee (SASC) Representatives (2):

Ganga Braun (51)

Ethan Urbanczyk (42)

Augustus Tupper (37)
Eilis Ryan (15)
Tom McKay (4)
Batman (3)
David Scrivener (2)
Corey Rodda (2)
Michael Costello (2)

Total votes: 158


International Studies Representative (1):

Roger Filmyer (65)
Eva Gray (41)
Total Votes: 106


Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC) Representative (1):

Josephine Evans (129)
Ariana (4)
Tom McKay (3)
Total Votes: 136 

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